Adventure Sports

Get ready for a wild adventure as you tumble, dive, soar and glide in Mexico. Mexico is also a great place for indulging in adventure sports. You can do mountain biking, cliff-diving, canyoneering, trekking, kayaking, caving and much more!


cliff-climbing in Mexico

Geronimo! Get the experience of your life a you drop off a cliff- wearing the proper safety equipment, of course. You will experience a different high as adrenaline rushes in with this exciting adventure sport.


Mexico also has canyons to be explored and appreciated. Some canyons can reach as high as 1,000 meters from the canyon floor up to the tip. The flora and fauna to be explored among the canyons are just as awesome.

Mountain Biking


Gear up and get ready to race the trails up the mountains of Mexico. There are some challenging and tricky slopes and slides that will sure to add to the excitement of this sport.

Adventure Sports Events

  • Annual Extreme Adventure Competition
    Hosted by Husteca, Hidalgo, this competition is held in the mountains of the said state. This is one of the most-awaited adventure competitions in the world, with over 60,000 US dollars in prizes. Teams from around the globe, particularly from the U.S., Australia, Spain, and Sweden will join the Mexican team in the competition. The competition will go through a route and will utilize different disciplines such as mountain biking, trekking, canyoneering, swimming, kayaking and caving.
  • Festival of Adventure Tourism
    Hosted by Chihuachua, in the Chihuahua State, this is a grand festival of the different adventure sports disciplines – sand-boarding, mountain biking, marathons, triathlons, adventure dunes, rally 4x4 and others. Prizes are up for grabs for these different disciplines.